Wheelset Solutions


CAF MIIRA, Beyond Wheelset Solutions

After a long time focusing on the climate impact its solutions generate, CAF MiiRA presents its ECOAPPROVED label which certifies that all its solutions meet a set of eco-friendly requirements (Green Steel, Eco Design, Eco Consumption, Green e-Energy, Circular Economy and Eco Commitment).

CAF MiiRA is a leading company in the rail industry, known for its innovative technology and sustainable solutions. The company designs, manufactures and maintains a wide range of solutions for all train applications, including complete wheelsets and gearboxes.

CAF MiiRA’s commitment with ESG in general and environment in particular is very strong. It comes from time ago and the company keeps intensifying its efforts in this field to keep meeting all the requirements and challenges of the future.

After a long time focusing on the climate impact its solutions generate, CAF MiiRA presents its ECOAPPROVED label which certifies that all its solutions meet a set of eco-friendly requirements (Green Steel, Eco Design, Eco Consumption, Green e-Energy, Circular Economy and Eco Commitment).

The first requirement that CAF MiiRA’s solutions meet is that 100% of the Steel used by the Company on its manufacturing process is below European Standards and below industry average in terms of generated GHG intensity, being considered as Green Steel.

Besides, CAF MiiRA is focusing its efforts on working on efficient designs (ECO Design). By creating lightweight, energy-efficient, low-maintenance solutionsthe overall environmental impact of themand in consequence of its clients’ final products, can be significantly reduced.

For instance, the new generation of light and efficient gearboxes of CAF MiiRA contribute to the zero emissionsobjective, keeping the current reliability and quality standards. This is achieved by reducing the energy consumption rates and this new compact design solutions allow a better integration in different bogie solutions.

Regarding wheelsets, higher strength materials are used to reduce their volume and these materials are combined with surface treatments like cold rolling to either increase the fatigue limits of the axlesor to decrease weight (SiSet solution – lightweight axle design -). In addition, lightweight axle solution has been developed for freight, which employs a passenger-based concept solution.

All these achievemnts allow CAF MiiRA’s solutions to reduce the energyconsumption in service, (ECOnsumption). With lighter solutions that needless material and generate less waste, the carbon footprint generated by CAF MiiRA’s solutions is lower through their entire service life.

Moreover, CAF MiiRA is the only supplier providing complete wheelset solutions including gearboxes to the market. This unique sourcing proposition reduces many operations like transports or travels, minimizing the total environmental impact. Besides, this approach simplifies supply chain management, assuring lower delays, optimum costs and maximum efficiency.

It is important to mention that 100% of the e-Energy used on CAF MiiRA’s facilities is renewable (Green e-Energy), generated by wind turbines. For the coming years important investments are approved that will improve CAF MiiRA’s energy usage and will reduce the CO2 emissions generated.

Besides, CAF MiiRA is part of a Circular ECOnomy as the steel the Company uses to manufacture its solutions comes from the scrap generated by its products, which minimizes the need to use additional external sources.

In this regard, CAF MiiRA offers a reusable packaging solution to all its’ clients as an option to eliminate waste generation and reuse.

As a member of CAF Group, the Company is part of SBTI (Science based targets initiative) and Race to Zero 2050 (ECOmmitment). Additionally, CAF has been working on achieving the requirements needed to get the most relevant certifications in this field. On top of the usual certifications of the industry, such as ISO 14001-EMAS, during the last few years, the Company has obtained the following certifications;

  • Ecovadis, Platinum category
  • Compliance with ISO 26000certifiedby a third party
  • CDP B rating

CAF MiiRA is proud to be at the forefront of sustainability in the rail industry, providing not only eco friendly but also high quality and innovative solutions to its clients helping them to meet their requirements and upcoming challenges.

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